A beautiful world created by roar and silence
Night Airglow, the alternative rock project of Tokyo-based musician Daisuke Kozuki, is pleased to announce the digital release of his first album “Dark Light” on Bandcamp on August 17, 2023.
The album is not only a dynamic and challenging sound created from his characteristic transitions between stillness and movement, but also beautiful downtempo sublime trip-hop and groovy aggressive dance rock, and the variety of content will keep listeners interested in the 90’s rock influences. This is an excellent work that shows the heart of rock that has been sublimated into modern alternative rock, while still being influenced by the rock of the 90s.
Date: August 17, 2023 / Time: 35:47 / Price: ¥800
Recorded & Mastered at Daw_n Studio
Vocal, Guitar, and Manipulating: Daisuke Kozuki
Released On Bandcamp
©︎2023 Daisuke Kozuki All Rights Reserved.
東京を拠点に活動するミュージシャン、上月大輔によるオルタナティブ・ロック・プロジェクトNight Airglowは、2023年8月17日にファースト・アルバム『Dark Light』をBandcampにてデジタル・リリースした。
Date: August 17, 2023 / Time: 35:47 / Price: ¥800
Recorded & Mastered at Daw_n Studio
Vocal, Guitar, and Manipulating: Daisuke Kozuki
Released On Bandcamp
©︎2023 Daisuke Kozuki All Rights Reserved.